From Backwards is a master at creating high quality music with low quality satire. The only thing more surprising than how well those two aspects mesh, is how well he performs them on stage. His genius, however, lies within the fact that while he will laugh at (not with) almost everything he does, his audience will nod and move in sheer appreciation that someone is able to articulate the frustrations they otherwise are unable to deal with. From Backwards is the much needed fifth of whisky to last year’s presidential debates.
Hip-hop and politics have been together for a long time, and there are no signs the two will break apart soon. Although there were the naysayers who once dismissed hip-hop as a fad and predicted its untimely demise, this is an art form, a culture, and a political movement that is not going away.
It’s a medium that expresses the hopes and frustrations of a disenfranchised community, and From Backwards is a front-runner, though an alternative one. His verses are left field, full of comedy, parody and satire, so obviously not suited to the mundane mainstream arena.
He offers biting commentary, that at first will make you laugh, and then will make you think…again…and again. He attacks political and social and cultural issues without fear or discrimination, poking fun at his preferred targets. Trump is obviously a sitting duck for someone as scathing and acute as From Backwards.
From Backwards has released the 10-track album “Trump in the Trunk”, featuring Count4dB which can be found on ITUNES, BANDCAMP and SOUDCLOUD. You can follow and find out more about From Backwards at TWITTER and FACEBOOK
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