I came up with this song almost ten years ago. I was on the phone with a guy, I was in a relationship with at the time and he worked on a ranch. He was very upset one day and he told me the calves on the ranch were neglected all day, never fed or given water or milk. I’ve always been against neglect and abuse and my ex-boyfriend’s experience that day, inspired the song. Throughout the years I would write and rewrite the song until I got it perfect. It took three drafts in between work, chores, and doing my best to make the world a better place, saving animals that were abandoned out by where I live. This song is special to me, because even though I was never physically abused, abandoned, or neglected, I’m an empath for all those who have. I pray for them, and wrote this for them in hopes that they will find a better place.
Where To Buy Music
ITunes, Amazon Music, Apple Music
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BreAnn Hanks here! Thank you for the time to publish this and I have to thank all those that stop to read this and listen to my song. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Yall are beautiful!