As with most songs written and released, there’s usually some kind of motive behind them. Nothing could have a stronger message or meaning than a recent song written about the horrific shootings in Florida. Pastor Peter B. Unger has been driven by the passion of his singing and songwriting from an early age, so there’s also no better way for him to express these feelings through his music.
In a recent interview Peter Said:
“As I looked at the faces of those lost in the last school shooting I experienced a deep sadness; sadness as I tried to fathom the incredible loss and pain felt by loved ones; sadness over young lives lost, and the sacrifice of beloved teachers, and mentors. I also felt anger; anger over the inaction of legislators; anger too at the political maneuvering that has become its own end; anger at a nation, its leaders, and a culture, that seems so morally rudderless.
As I wrestled with these emotions I picked up my guitar and began to play as a kind of therapy. While I didn’t expect it to happen I wrote this song. I am not a professional musician, but a pastor”.
Pete’s modest approach to his music, reflects a genuine and sincere message. He always states that he doesn’t write songs for money but to minister. This is is his hope for this song.
As a father and grandfather he would have to add one more emotion to the mix, that of fear. Soon his grand-daughters will be starting school, and he fears for their safety given the past complacency and a lack of resolve on the part of those who could affect change. He also seems fearful that a hopelessness might set in on the part of those fighting for that change.
“As I watched and listened to the high school students speak out so courageously, eloquently, and forcefully I felt a renewed hope. These young victims might just rescue the rest of us”. – Peter
Pastor Peter B. Unger was raised in New England and is a graduate of Goddard College in Plainfield, Vt. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate Degree from Drew University in Madison, NJ. Pastor Peter, as he known to parishioners, has served Churches in upstate NY., and Eastern PA. He was also a chaplain at the veteran’s hospital in Syracuse, NY..
Pastor Unger is also a PT college instructor at an area college. Singing and songwriting has been a passion of Pastor since his early teens. Pastor Unger wrote most of these songs as an extension of his ministry. They were performed during worship services, weddings, funerals, conferences, and a variety of other church gatherings. Pastor Unger has uploaded some of these songs, including “Christmas Cards” onto You Tube along with music videos. The greatest reward Pastor Unger has received from his music is the assurance by many of the comfort, hope, and mediated sense of Christ’s presence it brought them
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