Adam Clouse, artistically known as Ace Adams, is an emerging songwriter and producer based in Goshen, New York. The multi-talented producer draws inspiration from Timbaland, and has his sights and desires set on working with Lecrae and Dua Lipa in the future. A dedicated student of his craft Ace has released his 6 song EP, “4 of a Kind”, which offers an ample 360° vision of artistic status. The recording is one alluring bag of edgy urban-scented grooves and electronic bravado. The first examples of Ace Adams’ ridiculously high standard production, fully expressed throughout probing percussion in a wonderfully graphic style, emerges on the very first track, “Step Aside” ft. K.O. The resonating, and soul-searching female vocals, further pushes the track into a higher atmosphere, which only the talented can tread.
“All About You” ft. Max Bet, serves to confirm Adams’ knack for eclectic percussion, as he once again forges a pumping beat, enhanced by a throbbing bassline. On top, the raps and melodic vocal hook, vibrantly color the template with urban edginess.
“In The Jungle” ft. Wild Card, features a straight ahead beat, as Ace Adams concentrates on manipulating the dark synth sounds and overall atmosphere. The verses are abrasive and urgent on a rap song that never lets up. This is a typically ferocious performance from the entire cast.
The pulsating cinematic keyboard motifs and brass throughout “Vegas Life” ft. K.O., is as irresistible as the vocals, and a sure fire way to get everybody nodding along to the groove. K.O.’s plush R&B vocals fit into Ace Adams’ construction perfectly, never allowing the strong melody to dominate her vocals, but instead matching it in terms of lure.
She provides Adams with a very talented tool in his arsenal, and one that is probably suited to his desired sound. In both songs she’s on, K.O. displays an intoxicating mix of talented R&B vocals with intelligence, personality and poise. She’s proves that she is somebody to watch out for in the future. Together with Ace Adams, these two seem ready to break into the top of the charts.
Ace Adams’ meaty beats never show a tendency to overwhelm the vocals in the songs. His beats refrain from overshadowing the voices, instead giving them strength. “All Eyes On Me” ft. Max Bet is yet another example of this affirmation.
The music is powerful, the rhythm insistent, yet the rapper has plenty of space to work in, as he seems to feed off of the bulging beat. It’s clear that Adams takes pride in staying ahead of the curve with his originality and experimentation.
Confident and charismatic, Ace Adams’ goal is still to blow the listener’s mind and make them move to the beat. He achieves both on “Heat” ft. Wild Card. Very intense, original, and well produced, Adams goes ahead of the game and brings in horn elements, spacey effects and a twisting beat.
What can I say, except that Ace Adams is one of the most interesting providers of his craft. His genius and versatility has been proven in this collection. Here he gathers a talented group of 4 diverse artists, and showcases them to their best.
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